Joining the lab
We have open positions for students and postdocs in the areas of molecular and systems neurobiology, neuroimmunology, bioinformatics, and vascular biology, with particular emphasis on in vivo mouse models, iPSC modeling, neural development, and neural disease. Individuals with expertise in these areas are particularly encouraged to apply. But please note that we prioritize commitment, drive, and enthusiasm over any particular training. Many of our most successful lab members had no prior neuroscience experience. If you are interested in joining the lab please take a look below:
Prospective Grad Students
Graduate students interested in joining the lab are encourages to apply to a BCM graduate program. Annual application deadlines are in January. Students are encouraged to indicate your interest in neuroscience and the Samuel Lab. We accept students from all graduate programs across campus.
Prospective Postdocs
The Samuel lab is currently seeking postdocs. Postdocs interested in applying to work in the group should email Prof. Samuel with a statement of interest, CV, and a list of at least three references.
Prospective Undergrad Students
Current undergraduate students interested in working with the group are encouraged to email Prof. Samuel with a copy of their CV to learn more about the latest opportunities in the lab. As an additional summer opportunity, please consider applying to BCM’s SMART summer research program, which accepts students from across the country. and indicate your indicate your interest in neuroscience and the Samuel Lab
Prospective Postbac Students
Students looking to gain more research experience through a post college research experience, are encouraged to email Prof. Samuel with a copy of their CV and interests to learn more about the latest opportunities in the lab. We routinely hire individuals as they seek to use a gap year to determine the next steps in the scientific or medical careers.
Other Training Opportunities at BCM
BCM offers additional formal training opportunities at the graduate and post graduate level which could include training in the Samuel lab. These include Master’s degrees and postbac premed training. Additional information can be found here.