Seeing the Light with Dr. Melanie Samuel
Dr. Melanie Samuel tells us about her research on neuron mapping and talks about her experience advocating for scientific funding from the government.
What makes us unique? Exploring the role of genetics and neural function
Dr. Melanie Samuel discusses her research in neural development and disease, and explains how she has used International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) data to discover new genes that regulate our nervous system.
How do our brains age?
The Science Network met up with Dr. Melanie Samuel to talk about Molecular and Structural Basis of Age Related Synaptic Alterations in the Central Nervous System
Stories from Early Career Scientists: Common pathways that link brain diseases.
Dr. Samuel is investigating age-related changes that occur in the nervous system and the molecules that cause these alterations. Because aging, cancer susceptibility, and neural function are molecularly linked, these studies may identify factors that promote healthy aging and also enhance cancer resistance.